Gaming Looking For Regulars.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have been making videos mainly of indie games, Garrys Mod or some sort of online Co-op game such as Planetside 2 (which I'm terrible at).

I was curious if anyone is interested in doing some regular collab work on any game really. I'm more interested in finding people that I mesh well with and can hop into any game together and have a blast! If you're interested let me know!

I can also be contacted on Skype @ jjs5787 or Twitter @AlexandusRex
arg i wish i could be regular but i have so much things on my plate lately, hopefully you find some reliable peeps bro, good luck.
I am gearing up to post a good bit of game content across the Xbox and PC platform. I think I might be interested, I really like your videos! :)
Hey i'm interested! on What platform do you want to play? I have Xbox and Pc. Would be nice if we could play together and have some fun!:)
I only game on pc nowadays, I would check out my channel to see what others usually like to play with me, it's quite a variety!
I'm willing to collab with everyone! It'd be great to get a group of 5-6 people together though too!