Gaming Looking for peoplez to play Gmod with once a week

THEGamer Tyler

I've Got It
Howdy everyone! im just looking for some preferably funny people who want to play gmod with me at least 1 time a week!
Here are the requirements
-no squeakers
-good interwebs (non laggy)
-your ok with using first names
-your not bland or quiet

i already have a server and we can to sandbox, ttt, and stop it slender (im working on prop hunt) and if you even want to join my gaming group TeamGAMR that is in my featured tab so that we can play all the time!
Hey Im up for this! I also have Minecraft so we can play together on that. Best way to communicate through is on TeamSpeak 3. I have a personal server so Ill message you it if you do wanna hang out and play.