Looking for new original name for a podcast - Please Help

Gaming Desires

Active Member
Hi Gaming Desires are planning to do a podcast be we are struggling to find ideas of what to call it. We don't know whether to make it self explanatory or just give it a completely random name if you have any ideas please respond to this post or comment on the video below.

For some ideas there is a video on our YouTube channel that has just been uploaded about what it will be about

The main aspect is that we will be playing simulator/casual games in the background

Hmm... well play on words for one: SimCas?
Casually Hardcore
Euros Truly
Chrack Chat - Chris and Jack combined.

I really like casually hardcore thank you :D definitely gonna use that. Is it okay if i mention you in the video?[DOUBLEPOST=1431588051,1431587870][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hmm... well play on words for one: SimCas?
Casually Hardcore
Euros Truly
Chrack Chat - Chris and Jack combined.

Weve changed our mind and we actually love them all first we struggled to find a name and now were gonna struggle deciding on a name youve helped us out so much thank you again :D
I really like casually hardcore thank you :D definitely gonna use that. Is it okay if i mention you in the video?[DOUBLEPOST=1431588051,1431587870][/DOUBLEPOST]

Weve changed our mind and we actually love them all first we struggled to find a name and now were gonna struggle deciding on a name youve helped us out so much thank you again :D
Feel free! Sorry for the late reply. Busy week. :P