Request Looking for montage music(Accidently Double Posted..don't know how to delete)

Tim Besiwck


I am in the process of creating a Battlefield 3 sniper montage. It will be my first one and I want it to be good :)
I am looking for some music that has a pronounced beat to sync sniper shots to.
If anyone can help me with some links or something, I would be very grateful :D

I have been searching Audio Micro for a few days and have found a few things, but I am not too keen on the genre labels or the search features :/


woops accidently double posted...not sure how to delte...looking for it
It happens don't worry about it. The site lags. You can use any of the music on my channel if you credit me. I'd offer to make you something but just... I'm taking on too much these days I gotta learn to quit trying to do everything lol