Looking for Entertainers for my new group channel [GAMING + VLOGS + PRANKS]


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Hello YTtalk Staff & Members,

I would like to let you all know that tomorrow, I will be announcing my new group channel. This channel will be dedicated to smaller youtubers who would like to get noticed more. It is also a community for gamers by gamers. It will have 100% live support with tutorials for programs such as: Adobe Photoshop (CS4 - CC 2014), Sony Vegas Pro (v.12 - v.13) and many others! We will provide with all the programs and all we require back is your support + daily / weekly OR monthly videos uploaded to our channel.

More information will be in the Video. [Which will be uploaded to this page soon]

Channel Requirements:
  1. You must be 13+ years of age or older.
  2. You must provide your channel link + social media links for your video's description.
  3. You must let us know if their is any cancellations with a video schedule.
More rules will soon to come but right now I want to make this community as easy as possible!

Please comment below if you would like to participate or enter in this group channel :D