Parallax Abstraction
I've Got It
Hey everyone. So I'm currently running two shows on my channel but the main one that's driving traffic right now is my Retro Flashback series which as you can imagine, is focused on retro games.
When I started the show, I purchased an inexpensive stock electronic track which had commercial rights to use for the outro. If you load up any episode of the show and jump to the last 30 seconds, you can hear it. It's OK but pretty generic and it definitely doesn't sound retro.
I've been searching around for a royalty-free chiptune to replace it with but am having no luck so I'm wondering if anyone here has one they either own and are willing to let me use for attribution and/or a small one-time payment if desired or can recommend a place where I could find one. I don't have any specific requirements beyond that I'd like it to be kind of high-energy style like my current outro track is.
The chiptune I use for the intro is actually the Game Over sting from an obscure NES game. Since it's so short and from a game few know or care about, I'm not particularly worried about it from a rights perspective but if anyone also has access to their own short sting that sounds in a similar high-energy vein, I'd be up for hearing about it too. Might as well cover both bases if possible right?
If anyone has something they'd like to suggest, I would really appreciate the help. I've spent a couple of hours on this quest now but haven't managed to find anything fitting. Thanks guys!
When I started the show, I purchased an inexpensive stock electronic track which had commercial rights to use for the outro. If you load up any episode of the show and jump to the last 30 seconds, you can hear it. It's OK but pretty generic and it definitely doesn't sound retro.
I've been searching around for a royalty-free chiptune to replace it with but am having no luck so I'm wondering if anyone here has one they either own and are willing to let me use for attribution and/or a small one-time payment if desired or can recommend a place where I could find one. I don't have any specific requirements beyond that I'd like it to be kind of high-energy style like my current outro track is.
The chiptune I use for the intro is actually the Game Over sting from an obscure NES game. Since it's so short and from a game few know or care about, I'm not particularly worried about it from a rights perspective but if anyone also has access to their own short sting that sounds in a similar high-energy vein, I'd be up for hearing about it too. Might as well cover both bases if possible right?

If anyone has something they'd like to suggest, I would really appreciate the help. I've spent a couple of hours on this quest now but haven't managed to find anything fitting. Thanks guys!