Gaming Looking for a Youtube Gaming Buddy :)

Hello there great people thanks for stumbling on my post, :eek:
So as you can probably tell i'm looking for gamers to game with whilst recording. Now I upload in high quality (1080p) and use a professional microphone for recording, this because I believe it makes your channel so much more attractive to have those boxes ticked. It would be great if you could also have those boxes ticked so that we together can display a professional image. Don't get me wrong I think gamers should be relaxed whilst recording because otherwise the video is just no fun. I honestly believe its good to laugh at mistakes and generally have a good time. That's what I would really like from a gaming partner. Someone whos:
- Nice, but not over the top,
- Someone who I can relate to and you know speak to on and off youtube... Basically I believe to really perform well together we should develop a friendship,
- Someone who is quirky and funny, who can answer quickly (Don't worry about mucking up, its a good opportunity for a joke :D)
- A Good quality set up and has passion about succeeding on youtube,

That's really it. You might look at my channel and notice that thke videos aren't funny. That's because I really do need a co-partner to help out so we can basically bounce off each others words. It would be awesome if you could write a bit about yourself, where your from and your age just so I can get a feel of the type of person you are. Obviously I know I can't know you fully in a post, but like I said ultimately I want to be friends so we can work better together. I'm looking forward to hearing back from some of you,
Have a great day.
I'd be interested in doing this with you. I play Minecraft and am expanding to other game titles. I am also wondering does my age matter, i am 13.
Don't worry age doesn't matter, well maybe a little but not much besides I'm only 15 so there's only a 2 year gap!
Still it would be great if you could tell me a bit about yourself if you are really serious about joining together :D
I'm always down to do some commentary. I can't necessarily be a full time partner but I have no issue helping and appearing in videos. Gaming is always fun xD
Don't worry age doesn't matter, well maybe a little but not much besides I'm only 15 so there's only a 2 year gap!
Still it would be great if you could tell me a bit about yourself if you are really serious about joining together :D
Well since I am quite serious about doing a collab I'll say a few things about me.

I'm a 13 year old gamer from the UK who plays minecraft and other such indie games. I also enjoy FPS's and strategy games. I also enjoy YouTubing as a hobby. If you need anything else PM me.
Can you check out my channel and see if I fit the bill?

If not, just let me know. I am getting a new mic soon too. :)
Zesty Mike
Hey man, I just checked out your channel and well... Great content! It made me laugh and honestly its the only time I have ever laughed at a channel with less than 100,000. Seriously you have potential :)
I would love to do some collaborations with you, even if you don't have time to be a full gaming partner. You seem to put a lot of effort into your channel and well i'm really impressed actually. By the way I didn't really think this through but since you seem to have done it a few times on your your channel what is the best method to record a duel commentary?
It would be great if you could be a bit more specific about what you enjoy doing, you don't have to post it here but it would be great if you could PM me with a little bit more detail.
Zesty Mike
Hey man, I just checked out your channel and well... Great content! It made me laugh and honestly its the only time I have ever laughed at a channel with less than 100,000. Seriously you have potential :)
I would love to do some collaborations with you, even if you don't have time to be a full gaming partner. You seem to put a lot of effort into your channel and well i'm really impressed actually. By the way I didn't really think this through but since you seem to have done it a few times on your your channel what is the best method to record a duel commentary?
It would be great if you could be a bit more specific about what you enjoy doing, you don't have to post it here but it would be great if you could PM me with a little bit more detail.

To be honest I enjoy gamig and all aspects if it whether it be FPS, Indie or Strategy. I got in to gaming in around 2010 and have somehow picked up some very old and very new gamif consoles through m time scouring for them, I am actually quite addicted to gaming :). I'm also quite a sporty personal as most people here know and I,always endeavour to use he most of resources which are limited at the moment as I am on a budget. I don't want else there really is unless I'm blindly missing something :).
Hey there,
you fit the bill actually you too are legitimately funny and I enjoyed your video that I quickly watched to get a flavor of your channel.. Your voice is clear and yeah I would be more than happy to do some duel commentary with you. The trouble is as I said before i'm not really sure what the best way to go about recording two people my guess would be Mumble but really i'm not sure :help:
I'm not sure if it would be better to separately record audio with a program like adobe audition and then sync the audio up with something like Skype, I guessing we would have to do some testing.