Voice Acting Looking For A Pirate Voice! (Yarr!)

Rowan Oakley

Liking YTtalk
Hi all!

I'm looking for a male to narrate a short story to feature in a video on my channel. It's about the captain of a pirate ship, so I'm looking for the Yarr Matey-est voice out there!

If you want to have a try, please email me a sample at thesaturdaystorytellers@gmail.com. Here's the sample:

"Once upon a time there was a peculiar pirate ship in the mediterranean sea. This was no ordinary pirate ship of the kind you may have heard about before, you see - no, this pirate ship, although it looked just the same as all the others before it, was of a new cybernetic design, entirely controlled by a superintelligent AI named Polly."

Good luck, mateys!
Thanks Ray! I've got your email and have replied.

To everybody else, I'm still looking for pirates, so if you've read this and you're interested, go ahead and apply :)