Request Looking for a custom intro

Ian Katz

Liking YTtalk
HI there,

Iam looking for someone to do a custom intro for me to turn down for what song. I am willing to pay cash for any services rendered. Please let me know if your interested.

I would be interested :D
Add me on discord: wackojacko#5769
Add me on steam : 76561198284256725
Or reply to this.

Hey, I dont have steam or discord, so I will respond here. I would like something really good to the base drop from turn down for what. HOw much do you charge?
Thanks for taking interest!
Payment will be somewhere between $5-15 depending on content
Do you have paypal?
I can make a intro with that song :D
ahhahahah unlucky
I have no idea what EMT is......
Is there any other payment methods you can use.

EMT is electronic money transfer, I send it to you threw email then you just deposit it into your account, but I will see if I can use someone elses paypal
ok it would be good if u could use someone elses paypal!
I will start making the intro
What do u want it to say
I will make it to "turn down for what'