Looking for a challenge?

Weekend Noobs

If the week gets you down then join us and unwind
Hi peeps,

I see a lot of you have been looking for ideas for challenges to do. Check out The Jazz Chicken challenge on YT.
It very difficult to describe which is why I recorded it. You basically have to lift your finger off a table. However your not actually supposed to be able to do it because of the way your hands are designed. You dont have to break any bones or dislocate anything. Its literally just moving your finger up off a table.

All is required is to use a muscle in your hand that you never use. Its very difficult!! When your brain finally makes that link for the first time your hand will have a short painful ache, but after thats over with, your hand will be fine from then on and you now have a little party trick to show to your friends and family lol

Anyone else with awesome challenge idea, please share them here for all to see.