Looking for a book/tutorial resource on Sony Vegas Pro 15


Active Member
Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone knew of any good books or other resources for learning all of the ins and outs of Vegas Pro 15? I've been using Vegas for a little while for my videos and recently upgraded to Pro 15, but most of my editing work at the moment is simple edits, transitions and the occasional text annotation, and I'm sure the software is capable of far more powerful stuff that I could use to make my videos look better - does anyone have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!
Books are a waste of money. I would totally suggest just using YouTube to search specific tutorials. I do it all the time for Premiere. It's how I taught myself Photoshop as well. Good luck!!

If you absolutely think it's necessary, there's this website called Skillshare that I think is useful and pay for a subscription for.. It's basically a collection of online classes. https://skl.sh/2uTZjAT
Just go to YouTube, there are tons of channels that do nothing but Vegas tutorials on everything you could ever do.