Longhair I Comedy (New Content) NEED HELP!


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Hi this is to introduce new content I am making. I do Racing videos but have now started comedy videos. The channel is Longhair404 (It wouldn't allow me to post a link), I have a few comedy videos up already so please check them out and give me your thoughts. I'm wanting to do more urban comedy skits but I am struggling for ideas, so another main reason I'm making this is to ask if anyone ells has suggestions on what I could do a comedy skit on. Like I said I do urban comedy videos so for example stuff like the You Tuber Kevin Edwards Jr. So if you have any suggestions please comment.


We do urban comedy sketches! Your sketches are short,sweet and funny but how come you havent got any dialogue(out of the ones ive watched, i could be wrong) maybe opening the possibility of talking could broaden your sketch ideas
We do urban comedy sketches! Your sketches are short,sweet and funny but how come you havent got any dialogue(out of the ones ive watched, i could be wrong) maybe opening the possibility of talking could broaden your sketch ideas
Thanks im glad you find them funny and there isn't a great deal of dialogue in the videos I have up at the moment, Some of my up coming videos should have more dialogue in them, but its just getting the ideas for skits that need me to talk before the skit starts or talk more. Thanks for the advice ill take it into account.
Thanks im glad you find them funny and there isn't a great deal of dialogue in the videos I have up at the moment, Some of my up coming videos should have more dialogue in them, but its just getting the ideas for skits that need me to talk before the skit starts or talk more. Thanks for the advice ill take it into account.
No problem, Good luck!