Lucas White
Loving YTtalk
List of Developers & Publishers Who Grant Permission to use Their Game Footage:
Publisher: Atlus
Permission: " An Atlus rep returned my email to say that they do not grant official permission to use their footage or monetize derivative works. However, they also do not outwardly object to users using their content or monetizing derivative works save for in special cass.
Source: Email from Atlus Rep
Recommendation: Since this information is not publicly available, email the publisher individually to request permission prior to monetization.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Permission: " Note that Blizzard Entertainment's restriction that Productions be limited to "non-commercial" uses also means that you may not license a Production you have created to another company for a fee, or for any other form of compensation, without specific written permission from Blizzard Entertainment to do so. Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to use its products for all commercial purposes. The only exceptions to this rule are if you participate in partner programs with YouTube,,,, or (the Production Websites) whereby a Production Website may pay you for views of a Production if you are accepted into their partner program."
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Bohemia Interactive
Permission: They provide users permission to monetize videos via their website
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Carbon Games
Permission: Carbon Games provides monetization permission on their website
Game(s): Air Mech
Publisher: CD Projekt Red
Permission: I asked for permission via email and they responded saying that I could use their video footage for "journalists purposes."
Source: email from one of the publisher's representatives
Recommendation: Monetize at your own risk - As I'm not aware of any legal definition for "journalists purposes" it's hard to know if they explicitly allow or prohibit monetization of videos using their game footage. I have sent a follow-on email for clarification and will update this listing if I hear back from the publisher.
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Dark Vale Games
Permission: Dark Vale Games responded to my email request stating that they did not mind me using footage from their game as long as I mentioned them in the video.
Source: I received permission via email
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization since they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Game(s): Forge
Publisher: Daydalus Studio
Permission: I received permission to monetize videos for their Platform Hack title on XBLIG on the condition that I mention Daydalus Studio in the review.
Source: I received permission via a discussion with the publisher on Twitter
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization since they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Game(s): Platform Hack
Publisher: Deep Silver
Permission: Deep Silver gave me permission to monetize videos using footage from Risen and Risen 2: Dark Waters. I have since reached out to them regarding the rest of their library. I will update this section once I hear back from Deep Silver.
Source: I received permission from the publisher via email
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization as they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Games(s): Risen, Risen 2: Dark Waters, Dead Island, Dead Island: Riptide, Metro: Last Night, Prison Break, Sacred 2, Sacred 3 (once released), Saints Row 4 (once released)
Publisher: Digital Extremes
Permission: Their video policy - Gives us permission to make videos and monetize them
Game(s): Warframe
Publisher: Double Fine
Permission: Quote from their FAQ about video monetization - Yes! You may even monetize them if you wish!
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: EA
Permission: EA advised me through email that they do not give out blanket permission, but they have worked with YouTube directly and generally don't mind fair use of their material even on commercialized YouTube channels.
Source: Email from EA permissions group
Recommendation: If you choose to monetize, you do so at your own risk. Be sure to read their terms of use and legal notices. Also, before you rush out to monetize all your Madden or other sports games videos, please be aware that the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, etc. probably have some restrictions that would prohibit monetization of those titles. In other words, do your homework before monetizing EA games.
Games(s): Available Library (I cannot verify that every game on this list is actually copyrighted by EA Games)
Publisher: Epic Games
Permission: Quote From Website: As an exception to this policy, fans are permitted to monetize web videos (such as YouTube) with advertisements, so long as those videos otherwise meet the requirements of this policy. Also, Epic, in its sole discretion, can terminate and revoke your permission to create Fan Art and Fan Sites at any time, for any or no reason whatsoever.
Games: Available Library
Publisher: Frictional Games
Permission: They provide permission somewhat indirectly on their message forums.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Permission: I received permission from Focus Home Interactive via email to use their material in video reviews
Source: Email from the publisher
Recommendation: Since there is no general info about permission posted on their website, I recommend you contact the publisher prior to posting or monetizing content.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Gaslamp Games
Permission: Gaslamp typically provides permission to monetize Dungeons of Dredmor footage via email, but they've also commented about it on their forums.
Game(s): Dungeons of Dredmor
Publisher: Grinding Gear Games
Permission: GGG gives permission to monetize Path of Exile video footage via their website.
Game(s): Path of Exile
Publisher: Hairbrained Schemes Studio
Permission: I received permission to use footage from Hairbrained Schemes' games via email from one of their co-founders
Source: Email from Hairbrained Schemes co-founder
Recommendation: Be aware that Microsoft does own the Shadowrun IP. However, HS's co-founder let me know that they own the license to Shadowrun Returns and granted me permission for me to use footage. That said, I recommend you reach out to the studio individually just to make sure you have your bases covered.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Hi Rez Studios
Permission: Hi Rez Studios granted me permssion to monetize derivative works via email as long as I gave credit to them in my videos.
Source: Email from Publisher
Recommendation: Reach out to the publisher via email prior to monetization in order to get permssion in writing until they publish a general statement on their website.
Publisher: Kalypso Media
Permission: Kalypso Media head of PR responded to my email request to let me know that I was allowed to produce videos using their content and even gave me a YouTube contact form to fill out.
Source: Email from Publisher
Recommendation: Reach out to Kalypso before monetization so that you'll have their permission in writing
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Klei Entertainment
Permission: On their Don't Starve website they provide guidelines for player creations where they do give permission to monetize your videos with ads via networks like YouTube. I also spoke to them via email and they told me I could apply the rules posted on the Don't Starve site to their entire library.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Konami
Permission: A rep from Konami told me it was ok to post videos using their game footage and to monetize them as long as it was for review type purposes.
Source: Email from Konami rep.
Recommendation: Email Konami directly prior to monetization since this information is not posted on their website or publicly available
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Mojang
Permission: Mojang allows monetization contingent upon you adding your own original content to the video (ex: Audio Commentary)
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Nordic Games
Permission: Nordic Games gave me permission to monetize videos using footage from ArcaniA Gothic 4 and recommended I contact them on a game-by-game basis for other games as they do not own the license to certain games outright.
Source: I received permission from the publisher via email
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization as they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Game(s): ArcaniA Gothic
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Permission: Legal department published a letter granting monetization permissions.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Re-Logic
Permission: Re-Logic allows YouTubers to monetize videos of Terraria according to the FAQ's on Terraria's site
Game(s): Terraria
Publisher: Red 5 Studios
Permission: Sites such as Youtube and offer partner programs that allow you to monetize your content through the addition of advertisements either during the playback or as an overlay. These programs are perfectly acceptable as long as you do not prevent access to the produced content. “Renting” or otherwise limiting viewing to paying customers is prohibited.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Riot Games
Permission: Publisher permits monetization rights on their website.
Game(s): League of Legends
Publisher: Robot Entertainment
Permission: You may upload review and walkthrough ("Let's Play") style videos of Robot Entertainment's games, and may monetize (place ads on/next to) the videos.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Robotronic Games
Permission: "Yes, video creators should be able to benefit from their own work" - Quoted response to the monetization question on their FAQs.
Source: Game(s): Gnomoria
Publisher: Romino Games
Permission: The Awesomenauts website says they allow permission for video editors to monetize videos using Awesomenauts footage.
Game(s): Awesomenauts
Publisher: Runic Games
Permission: Runic Games gave me permission to monetize videos using their games.
Source: I received permission from the publisher via email
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization as they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Signal Studios
Permission: Signal Studios provides permission to upload and monetize videos on their message forms.
Publisher: Subsoap
Permission: Special permission is granted to those who wish to monetize video "Let's Plays" on YouTube (or other video portals including streaming services such as TwitchTV) through ads (example: if they are a YouTube partner).
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Subset Games
Permission: Subset Games gives explicit permission to monetize footage of their FTL game on YouTube via their website.
Game(s): Faster Than Light (FTL)
Publisher: TaleWorlds Entertainment
Permission: TaleWorlds 'amended' their EULA via their message forums to grant monetization permssion.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Team 17
Permission: A fellow Youtube user reached out to them via email and Team 17 responded stating monetization was ok as long as it was only placing ads on the videos
Source: Message from YouTube user SoiramTrotyl - Also our friend Harold AKA DreadWingKnight spoke to Team 17 and got them to post this permission for the public to have access to (Thanks Harold!)
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Team Chucklefish
Permission: Team Chucklefish provides permission to monetize YouTube videos on the FAQ pages of two of their Starbound and Stardew Valley Games. Wanderlust grants permission to make videos, but not for monetization. Treasure Adventure World does not grant any permissions.
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetizing videos from Wanderlust or Treasure Adventure World (once it drops).
Game(s): Starbound, Stardew Valley
Publisher: The Indie Stones
Permission: The Indie Stones give permission via their message forums to use footage from their Project Zomboid game.
Game(s): Project Zomboid
Publisher: TopWare Interactive
Permission: TopWare granted me permission to use and monetize their game footage via email
Source: Email from the developer/publisher
Recommendation: I recommend that you contact TopWare individually before publishing just to get permission in writing.
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Trion Worlds
Permission: Trion Worlds permits YouTube video monetization with restrictions. See Source for details.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Tripwire Interactive
Permission: Tripwire Interactive permits video monetization with restrictions. See Source for details.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Ubisoft
Permission: Ubisoft responded to my request to monetize via Facebook message. They granted permission and even encouraged video uploads granted that our videos follow certain guidelines. They did not specifically address monetization in the message, but they certainly did not prohibit it.
Source:Screenshot of Facebook Message
Recommendation: Monetize at your own risk.
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Valorware
Permission: Valorware gave me permission to monetize videos using footage from their Android RPG titled 9th Dawn.
Source: I received permission from the publisher via a conversation on YouTube
Recommendation: Contact the publisher individually prior to monetization as they don't explicitly provide permission online.
Game(s): 9th Dawn
Publisher: Valve
Permission: You are free to monetize your videos via the YouTube partner program and similar programs on other video sharing sites.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Permission: Warner Bros. responded to my email request to let me know that using there material was ok.
Source: Email from publisher representitive
Recommendation: Contact Warner Bros. Prior to monetization since they do not grant a blanket license online
Game(s):Available Library
Publisher: Wulven Studios
Permission: Wulven Studios gives permission to monetize videos for their Shadow Era title via the Shadow Era's website FAQs.
Game(s): Shadow Era
Honorable Mentions:
Developer: Mistwalker
Permission: Mistwalker is an interesting case because they don't seem to own the copyrights to the games they produce. While they did not say this to me explicitly, they did email me and let me know that the companies that publish their games typically handle these types of permissions.
Source: Email correspondence from Mistwalker
Recommendation: Don't monetize Lost Odyssey or another other game videos Microsoft owns the rights to since they don't allow commercial use of their footage. In every other case, check with the publishers for the individual Mistwalker-made game you are looking to work with.
Game(s): Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Last Story, etc.
Gaijinworks (Formerly Working Designs) - I contacted the PR Lead from Gaijinworks' partner, Monkeypaw Games to request permission to use footage specifically from Lunar Silver Star Story Complete. The PR Lead returned my email to let me know that my request has been forwarded to Gaijinworks directly. As soon as I have more information I will post it as long as I am permitted to do so legally.
Publishers, Developers & Studios that Prohibit Monetization:
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Restriction: Technically, Bethesda does not 'explicitly' prohibit use. However, I've placed them here because they also don't give explicit permission to use their footage either. Also, based on the email I received stating that videos must be for non-commercial use, I think it's too risky to monetize a Bethesda owned work without more information describing what they mena by "non-commercial."
Source: Email from the publisher in response to my request to monetize.
Game(s): Available Library
Publisher: Capcom
Restriction: "Fan projects and artwork are all welcomed! As long as there is no money changing hands or personal financial gain, you should be fine."
Publisher: Codemasters
Restriction: Codemasters does NOT grant permission to monetize videos
Source: Email from the publisher in response to my request to monetize
Publisher: GungHo Online Entertainment (GameArts, Acquire, Gravity)
Restriction: A GungHo Rep responded to my email stating that it was ok to make videos but not to monetize them
Source: Email from GungHo rep
Publisher: Kemco
Restriction: Kemco responded to my email request for permission stating that they do not presently grant official permission to use their footage. The message went on to say that this policy may change and that they do not "particularly prohibit fans' activities" as long as they are done with common sense, are non-profitable and don't spoil their brand. I did respond to ask if 'non-profitable' meant YouTube partner ad revenue, specifically, but I've not heard back at this point.
Source: Email from the publisher in response to my request to monetize
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Restriction: Quote taken straight from their site - "But enrolling in the Youtube partner program (or other similar programs), where you are entering into an agreement to get paid, is not allowed."
Publisher: Natsume
Restriction: Natsume does not allow their footage to be monetized
Source: Email from a Natsume rep
Publisher: Naughty Dog
Restriction: I received an email from a Naughtydog rep to let me know that they do not grant permission to use their footage.
Source: Email from the publisher/developer
Publisher: Nintendo
Restriction: Quote taken straight from their site - "We do not have adequate staffing to review the thousands of requests we receive for permission to use Nintendo properties. Therefore, our general policy is to decline all such requests, no exceptions."
Game(s): Publisher: NIS America
Restriction: NISA's PR team responded to my request to let me know that they do allow independent content creators to use their footage, but not to monetize it. They were extremely helpful and very timely with their response.
Source: Email from the publisher
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Permission: Quote from their site - Generally Take-Two Interactive does not object to fans using materials for non-commercial uses in a manner which does not intentionally spoil the plot for others. After further review, Take-Two and Rockstar have stated that they do not allow monetization of their video footage. For more information, see the comment section below for a copy and pasted email from one of our commenters.
Game(s): Publisher: Sega
Restriction: Sega's PR team responed to my email request stating that they could not grant me a license for YouTube content
Source: Email from Sega PR
Publisher: SNK
Restriction: A rep from SNK responded to my email request to let me know that they do not give license to independent editors to produce derivative works using their copyrighted materia.
Source: Email from SNK rep
Publisher: Square Enix
Restriction: Technically, they do not explicitly prohibit use, but they did email to let me know that they do not grant individual permission to use their work. I would assume that means you need to be a part of a larger media company that has a license or perhaps one of the gaming networks that handles licensing for gamers (like Machinima).
Source: Email from Square Enix Public Relations
Game(s): Hard to capture the entire library since they do not own all the games they publish (Infinite Undiscovery, for example)
Publisher: Take-Two Interactive
Restriction: According to Alan Andrew Taylor (a commenter you can reference below this article), Take-Two issued him the same permission via email to use video footage that Rockstar Games uses (posted above). After further review, Take-Two and Rockstar have stated that they do not allow monetization of their video footage. For more information, see the comment section below for a copy and pasted email from one of our commenters.
Source: Alan stated below that he received permission via email after contacting T2 Support.
Publisher: TecmoKoei
Restriction: A TecmoKoei representative responded to my request to monetize stating that they do allow people to make video reviews and other similar works, but that they do not typically allow us to monetize these videos
Source: Email from TecmoKoei rep
Publisher: TellTale Games
Restriction: While Telltale does allow fan-made videos using their footage, they do not allow users to monetize videos using their work