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Loves YTtalk
Hey guys,

Since I'm not getting many comments and like on my videos I was wondering if you guys have some tips/tricks on how to get them.
Or do you guys think I'm just not getting enough views?
Wait!!! Yu guys are Dutch!????????!?? WOOT WOOT :D Maybe u should start advertising your channel and vudeos on twitter for example ;) I know you have heard it many times but you cant just wait for the views to come XD You need to make pples come to you and watch your vids ;)
Hook people in the first ten seconds because tend to drop off after the first 30 seconds, also ask for feed back towards the start of a video aswell
Try collaborate with other youtubers. Have something in your video where people want to comment about. "Doesn't have to be a question" But it could be your opinion.
Try to find something funny in a game and stay there for a few seconds and talk about it.
People will more likely comment on a small thing than the whole video.

And I think you don't have enough subs yet etc. Around 400 subs you get around 20 comments I think. Unless you have a good sub base.
Is there a specific video that you could give an example or is it across your channel? I'll take a look and give you what /my/ opinion of it may be. But you have to know, that everyone on here may or may not reflect /your/ subscriber base. So our opinions may or may not work.
yeah just work on getting more views first theres lots of gaming community channels you could submit your gameplays to and maybe get featured on them