Lighting help?

Hey, I have filmed my first YouTube video last week - I filmed on my phone - and today is my birthday and my parents bought me a canon legria hf306 and it is good quality especially as I am only starting out but I think I will need to look into some form of lighting - I am also getting a tripod - instead of just the blinds open and my room light on. I do not have the money for soft boxes right now even if I put all my birthday money together. So anyways to get lights but it isn't too expensive for the moment? Thanks guys :)
Well it kinda depends on what exactly you want to light. But the poor man's softboxes are construction lights and white bed sheets or tablecloths. DON'T (!!!) put the sheets on the lamps or you'll burn your house down. You want like 3-4 feet between your lamp and your sheet.

This is what it looks like when I film:

You can see one of the two 400w lamps on the left, and that white thing on the right is the white sheet, taped to the ceiling, the second lamp is a few feet out of frame to the right. Fell free to check the video in my sig if you want to know what it looks like on camera. Those lamps are probably around 20-25 bucks a piece at a hardware store, stands already included and 2 of them should be enough for a start. Just always remember to be careful cause they do get hot and a bed sheet will catch fire if you get too close.
JustSomeGermanDude Neat set up dude.

I actually found natural lighting by a window the best... But if you have a desk lamp or some kinda lamp around the house, try buying some soft white bulb, use paper towels as a diffuser and tin foil to create a cone if you have to. It's very mish mash but it can work.
JustSomeGermanDude Neat set up dude.

I actually found natural lighting by a window the best... But if you have a desk lamp or some kinda lamp around the house, try buying some soft white bulb, use paper towels as a diffuser and tin foil to create a cone if you have to. It's very mish mash but it can work.

Thanks, it does beat the lighting of my old videos where I pretty much had to gather all the movable lamps I had in my apartment to get enough light. Making color correction a nightmare... And if I moved to far to the left I would turn green and so on and so on.