licensing to media outlets = bad?


New Member
So I posted my first video on youtube and at one point it was trending in the top 5 and got a lot of views over 24 hours (500,000). My inbox has since been full of invitations to exclusively hand over licensing for the video with various figures such as 60/40 75/25 profit splits, and various offers of a cash lump sum upfront.

This seems rather attractive on the face of it as although one would lose 25% of any advertising money, they would offset that by charging all the media outlets that are currently using it for free, of which I assume I get 75% or whatever the deal is.

Information and advice is thin on the ground, however everything I read seems to suggest this is bad and you should just let the video run and manage anything yourself so it's confusing;

I joined adsense, but looking at it after 600k views I seem to have made a grand total of $0, so isn't the one off payment better than nothing?

I also assume today's viral's will be yesterdays news tomorrow so it won't really go up much more in views.

Any help and advice greatly appreciated!
No idea about the media outlet, but Adsense hasn't shown YouTube earnings since 2013! You need to look at the Estimated Earnings section of your YouTube Dashboard. Select the video you want to see earnings for, and go to the Analytics section for that specific video. Adsense will only show Finalized Earnings when you have reached the payment threshold for your country of residence.