LF Easy Scary Games


My friends came over and wanted to get involved in some of my videos. I decided what the heck why not!? So I had each of them play 10-20mins of slender man the 8 pages and recorded their reactions and I'll edit it and make some kind of montage an compilation of them (4 people).

They're interested in doing it again, but I need a very simple game like slender man with cheap jump scares and very little gameplay. Slender man was good and I've been finding other good ones too, but they have a story and require problem solving. It has to be a quick game that is very linear. One of my friends is not an avid pc gamer and he looked down 75% of the slender game, but it was priceless. It has to be quick and easy enough to encounter jump scares within 10mins or less.

Thanks for any game suggestions
I was looking for someone above me to say it, but seems as if no one has yet. Slenderman!
You obviously didn't read my post then :P[DOUBLEPOST=1407949898,1407949843][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm pretty sure that a look at Pewdiepie's channel will give you A LOT of games.

A lot of the games I found he has played already, but they usually have puzzles and stuff and it's just edited out to make it look like a 5min video[DOUBLEPOST=1407949929][/DOUBLEPOST]
That game is more freaky than actually scary
Five Nights At Freddy's is easy to learn and really scary (just a bunch of pointing and clicking). Practically every other gamer has been playing it the past week, too.
Read the creepypasta on video then play the game immediately afterwards.
I understand how that would be scary, but that's more of a long term scare. It just has to be a very simple game with lots of jumpscares where the player can experience more or less all the game has to offer after 10mins. sonic.exe leaves a more of WTF? kind of feeling than a OMG I can't play this anymore.