Let's Play video titling


I've Got It
Alright everyone I was just wondering what the best way to title your videos are especially if you're doing lets plays or walkthroughs. So I have a few examples of how I would title the video and I just want feedback on what you think is best


1. Let's Play Portal 2 - Part 1 - Welcome
2. Portal 2 - Part 1 - Welcome
3. Portal 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Welcome

Well, are you trying to do a let's play or a walkthrough? Usually you'd title those two differently, unless it's somewhere in the middle, like a let's play on a game you've played before.
The first one is the best. Just some ideas you could name it Episode 1 or Ep 1 instead of Part 1. And you could use a | symbol to separate instead of the - and so on. Just some stuff for you to consider! :)
Personally, I like the first one, but it should really depend on the type of video you're doing. If you're trying to focus on the game, gameplay or let's play would be good, or you may want to include your name in the title somehow. What really matters is which title you feel fits your video the best.