"Let's Play" getting old?!!

Ok, so I'm starting to feel like these "Let's Play" title on video series of people playing games, have gotten a little old. Let's play this, let's play that. It worked when a couple of people posted videos, but 1000+? I'm not too sure.

But let's have some fun. Let's talk about what else you could call these kinds of videos. How about "Let's master Skyrim" or "Let's mess up Minecraft"? Or maybe a different title alltogether? After all, having the right title on a video can often be the first step towards getting that viewer.

On the topic of Let's Plays as a whole, I understand your point, but I think it depends how it's done. You're right in saying that there are thousands of Let's Plays out there per game, so therefore when you do do one you need to find a way to stand out. In my opinion there's 3 main things people look for when watching Let's Plays, either:

1. Good video content (gameplay)
2. Entertaining commentary
3. Insightful commentary that tells them about the game
4. A unique game (e.g you have footage of a game that hardly anyone else has footage for)

If you can get at least one of these and people enjoy your Let's Plays, then you'll hopefully build up a fanbase.

As for titling, I guess it depends on the content of the video itself. If it's about a specific area of a game, lets take Guild Wars 2 as an example, and the gameplay is of someone playing WvWvW, you're more likely to get views if it's titled something like "X plays WvWvW (GW2)" as opposed to titling it "Let's Play GW2."

I sort of posted this on my train of thought so not sure quite what else to say, but if I do I'll add to this later. Those are my views. xD

(EDIT) - Added 4.
Yah you are totally right those "let's play" titles are getting old. It's kinda hard to come up with a new name, you already mentioned any that I could come up with hah
It depends on how you look at it. Personally, I really enjoy following an interesting personality on their journey through a game - but what makes the series entertaining is the player, not the game. I watch a Let's Player because I actually enjoy watching that person. Someone that keeps me entertained will get me sucked into their gameplay and wanting to watch the whole series, but someone who isn't very lively isn't going to keep me watching just based on gameplay. Let's Plays have become less... easy, I guess. What I mean is, you can't just make a video of you playing a game without much commentary and expect people to enjoy it. Doing a Let's Play has become more dependent on your performance as a commentator: mostly people want you to make them laugh, be it through your reactions or just through jokes.

TL;DR - The over-produced Let's Plays with no real character are getting old, but the Let's Plays with funny commentary or an enjoyable personality will never get old in my eyes.
It depends on how you look at it. Personally, I really enjoy following an interesting personality on their journey through a game - but what makes the series entertaining is the player, not the game. I watch a Let's Player because I actually enjoy watching that person. Someone that keeps me entertained will get me sucked into their gameplay and wanting to watch the whole series, but someone who isn't very lively isn't going to keep me watching just based on gameplay. Let's Plays have become less... easy, I guess. What I mean is, you can't just make a video of you playing a game without much commentary and expect people to enjoy it. Doing a Let's Play has become more dependent on your performance as a commentator: mostly people want you to make them laugh, be it through your reactions or just through jokes.

TL;DR - The over-produced Let's Plays with no real character are getting old, but the Let's Plays with funny commentary or an enjoyable personality will never get old in my eyes.

I completely agree with you, and thats what I try to do. You wanna be with that person through the journey, relate, see something in a different way that they point out or possibly just make a new friend and connect with the person playing.

Thats me, though.

But! This is certainly interesting in-sight for me to consider! Thanks for making this thread!
If it's done in an extremely unique way (Doing machinima let's play is old) then it will survive. If it's just a person filming them playing for 12 minutes then uploading it, then in my eyes, their channel won't grow.

Some people may fall back on gaming simply to have a reason to do YouTube, if the person isn't going to put any effort into their content, then nobody is going to spend time watching their content.

I've seen videos that have views that decrease when a new video in the series is uploaded:

Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #1 - 268 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #2 - 113 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #3 - 89 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #4 - 30 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #5 - 17 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #6 - 5 views
Person plays: Minecraft The quest for Diamond #7 - 1 view
yeah just gameplays in general are all so cliche to me most of them do the same things and there arent many that standout from others in my opinion.Gamers need to start adding unique spins to there "Lets play's" that make them different from the rest.