

Well-Known Member

I get emails from a company called MagicLinks who proposes the following. Are they legit/is this sort of thing allowed on YouTube?

Below is the message they send me.


(The link to the message is in the code below. The site would not let me put the message for some reason.)

<script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=Gt03H76g"></script>
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I am trying right now but the site keeps detecting the message as being "Links/content not allowed"
yeah, you need VIP for that.
Just copy and paste the text?

But even without it, look at the first testimonial at the bottom of their page (mallory1712), she has 60000 subs but like 200 views per video tops.
If they're using her as the FIRST testimonial, I'm not quite sure that it works as well as they're selling it.
yeah, you need VIP for that.
Just copy and paste the text?

But even without it, look at the first testimonial at the bottom of their page (mallory1712), she has 60000 subs but like 200 views per video tops.
If they're using her as the FIRST testimonial, I'm not quite sure that it works as well as they're selling it.

The link to the message is in the code in the first post.