Leaving a Network


Have any of you experience leaving a network? I'm in the process of leaving one and wanted to know what the general procedure is - do you just email their partner support/talent managers within the timeframe?
Like I'd be contacting them just before the 60 days til my contract expires time period (which is one of the stipulations for auto-renewal). Do I need a lawyer to send them a letter?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I currently have other offers with a few large networks that would give me a huge raise from the shabby contract I signed a few years ago.
As far as I know, as long as you contact your partner manager prior to the time period (which seems to be 60 days in your case), then this should be fine. You are fulfilling your side of the contract term by contacting them, so if they don't do anything about it (I imagine they would though), then just disconnect them from your youtube channel, but only when your contract is officially up.

Just have a quick look at your contract and check your terms, just to make sure that you are able to do this.
I'm currently also in the process of leaving a network (Scalelab, don't know why I joined in the first place) hope it goes smoothly for you
Thanks bud, I sent in my forms and of course got an offer back (a raise) so we'll see if that plays out. And I hope the same for you :D