Learning Japanese for kids (new show idea)


I've Got It
So, my son if half Japanese and speaks fluent. I was thinking of starting a new show where he would teach basic words in Japanese and eventualy lead up to sentances etc. The show would be for kids ages 5-10 but would also benefit anyone wanting to learn the basics of the Japanese language.

The episodes would be short, 3-5 minutes because we do not want people to get overloaded with too many words etc. We would also encourage viewers to use the words they learned throughout the day so it sticks with them.

Since we live in Japan we could actually use other native speakers when we do conversation videos and show areas around Japan that may differ from other countries. Does anyone think this is a good idea, and would you watch the shows if you were interested in learning Japanese?

Thanks for the feedback in advance.
I think it's an excellent idea and I would surely watch it. I have an interest in learning the language and I know there are probably plenty of people who want to learn it as well. It could also turn out to be a fun experience for you guys and the ones learning. Question though, will you also teach reading and writing Japanese if you go through with it?
He's only 7, but he can read hiragana and katakana but not kanji yet. We could do a few videos on reading and writing if enough interest is in the channel. Thanks for the feedback.
Omg thats a great idea! I always wanted to learn Japanese language so i hope it helps WEEEEW :D
I think it is a great idea. The first thing I thought of was a sesame street sort of approach, where you pick say two words and use them in a sentence multiple times with a bit of rhyme and music, something simple yet catchy. Also maybe include a mascot of sorts.
I envision multiple streams of children on tablets enjoying and learning.
Just my thoughts, any which way great idea.
This is a fantastic idea! Holy crap, if I had a child and a language to do this with I'd produce it myself. Go for it my man!

Watch some childrens shows beforehand!
My advice is at the end of each video you put a little quiz about what new words you learned that video and give the answers in the next video that way the viewer has a way of knowing how well they are doing. Plus it helps keep the user interested.