Services Koalas Graphics Shop Professional designs (NOW OPEN)

you wont ! you will pay in 7$ some people in the uk have paypal in £7 and are happy to pay i am in £ and some people from usa dont mind paying in £
If the quality of designs is the same as the image you've posted then do you really think you can start a business this way?
  1. The images aren't special at all, and by far not 'professional' like you call them.
  2. The prices are unclear, what is it dollars or pounds which your prices are based on?
  3. Looking at the above posts you can't even write a correct English sentence, so how are you going to have a serious conversation with clients?
  4. By looking at your message counter I see you've basically come here to advertise yourself, that's not how you should do this.
And don't start saying I don't know what I'm talking about.

Edit: since the image in the opening post is now removed, some point I just said may seem kinda weird. Lol... xD
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