know any 2 player VS games?

Weekend Noobs

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Hey hey,

Just as the title says. I'm planning a series of VS episodes for judith and betty in the near future and just gathering a list of 2 player games that is NOT Co-op. Where you have to compete AGAINST each other.
The consols we are currently looking for are:

zx spectrum
master system
playstation 1,2,3
Xbox & 360
Wii U

Prefferably NOT online, but I know that is difficult for consols nowerdays. Also for the older consols if there are perhaps games that could be played for points, then we shall concider them.
For example pac-man or asteroids or bubble bobble etc and see who has the most points in a certain amount of time.

Thanks for any help and ideas you can give. I'm also considering rules where one of us could be handicapped in a game if either me or my friend win too many times in a row lol