Kind of Sick of Doing Gaming Videos


Gaming videos are fun and all but after all this time I'm kinda bored with the idea. I've been thinking about switching gears and becoming like a critic. Or a reviewer of movies sorta like Cinema Snob or Nostalgia Critic. Only thing I really need is a decent webcam and some damn lights in this room.

For anybody that has seen my gaming stuff thats on my channel should I stay with that or take that character I portray and put him as a movie reviewer?
Sounds like a good idea. You could even do a podcast which is just audio.

That's always been on my agenda too, because as you probably can already tell all of my game footage except for AVGN is recorded FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR in advance. Like I record every game I play a lot. The commentary is really more like a podcast with just game footage on top of it.
If you want a change, why not do videos on a hobby, interest, real life stuff ? Get away from the gaming world.

You also attract a wider audience.

That's what I do. It's interesting, broadens your creativity, and viewers like it.