Just Started a Photopea (Photoshop) Tutorial Kid Friendly Channel

Hi, I am a teacher and I am posting my distance learning videos on youtube. I have everything set up as kid friendly so all comments are turned off. Is there any kind of in between setting? like a PG-13 that allows comments but limited?

Any suggestions are always welcome.

My Channel is called: Freaky With Photoshop
Cool - I use Photopea when I'm using a friends computer or basically when ever I don't have access to full photoshop. I've even taught a few friends who never used Photoshop to use Photopea. It doesn't have all the tool I use normally but it has a lot of the basic. I'll check out your channel and pass it to some friends if it can help them feel more confident in their Photopea skills.
Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

ps. This probably should have been posted in the "Introduce Yourself" section
Thank you, I appreciate all the help and constructive criticism I can get. Maybe I should delete this and repost it in the "introduce yourself"???
Sometimes the mods here can move your message to another section. Not sure if that's still a thing around here.

As for the comment thing: You don't have to say that it is made for kids, if you are trying to reach adults as well. It can still be kid friendly as long the content, title, tags and description etc. is all right. The only thing is that for kids who most likely watch YT videos in a restricted mode can not reply or see comments but they can watch the video.. Those who have acces to all content online, can also comment on it.
Don't worry about this being moved or not moved or posting in the wrong section. I think this is fine and wasn't malicious. I was just telling you for future reference. The mods are cool but they have taken a pretty hands off approach over the past few years, and a really, really hands off approach over the past few months. We're mainly self governing now. (as long as people don't act too crazy)
Welcome to the wild, wild west 1611445203633.png
