Just some off-the-cuff thoughts as I watch your video.
1) As this is related to a computer game, I would put its most known image on the thumbnail.
2) Get to the meat. Seconds count on YouTube. The longer you have the viewer wait until you give meat, the more likely they will click away. So don't welcome them. Don't introduce yourself. Don't tell what the video is about ... as that's what the thumbnail and title are supposed to do. Just get right to the meat. That didn't happen until 12 seconds in.
3) I'm confused. Is the avatar with the bow this goddess? I'm betting she isn't. If so, SHOW images of the goddess when you're talking about her.
4) Why on Earth are you showing gameplay when trying to give information about the game's lore??? Seriously, WHY?????
5) Scrap the footage of this video and replace it with B-roll that shows what you're talking about.
6) Do NOT use terminology that signals to the viewer that they're now in an outro as it will get them to click away. You did this when you thanked them for watching.
7) Cut your outro to five seconds. When viewers think they hear/see a outro, they click away so long outros hurt your engagement score with the YouTube algorithm.
8) Don't call any of your videos "Episode [#]". Viewers do NOT care and it will NOT make them watch more. In fact, they might not watch any as it indicates to some that you're not giving all info in the video. Just title the video what info you're giving. In this case, a specific goddess.
9) Don't ask for a Like. They will or won't. You asking is just begging and that won't get them to give you a Like. Also, it is a Call to Action and you should do at most two of them and those should be to comment and subscribe. The more Calls to Action you ask of the viewer, the fewer they do. You ask too many and they do none.
10) Don't beg for subs but give a reason why they should subscribe. NOT why YOU want them to subscribe but why THEY should want to subscribe.
11) Ask ONE question of the viewer and HOPEFULLY they'll give their answer in the comment section.
12) The WORST Call to Action is asking the viewer to go to another platform to watch your stuff. In this case, Twitch. They won't. They simply won't. Don't waste your or the viewer's time asking them to do so. Maybe ... MAYBE after they're a subscriber and regular viewer of your stuff, they MIGHT ... but even then, probably not. Build your following on the platform you're on, not on another platform.
13) Use YouTube end cards to at least show a thumbnail of one of your other videos to get them to watch more of your videos AND put the subscribe button on the screen.
Good luck!