Just need some feedback


New Member
Hello team! So I've just started my YouTube channel.. and would like some honest feedback. Obviously, not having any subscriber it's hard to tell what I need to improved on. Just like anything I hop into I would like some critiques to help steer me in the right direction! Thanks in advance guys.
So you asked for some honest feedback and I'm going to give you some.
The thumbnails aren't really the best, they don't seem to be too inviting but your latest vlog, at first it seemed a bit boring and long, just had a slow start. Your first first vlog on the other hand had some more feel to it in the beginning so it was already more interesting to look at.
Overall they kinda seem to be going on a bit too long, maybe just focusing more on the most important things and cutting the rest out would help. Video quality on the other hand was good, that's enjoyable.
Hey Ce3kay,

You can use programs like Paint.NET or GIPM as a substitute for Photoshop if you do not have it alredady to create some nice, simple and personalised channel art. You need to make yourself a banner, a better avatar picture, the one you have is good, but I am sure you can do better :)

Then thumbnails also need to be upgraded, there really is not much there to pull a viewer in, what is in the video, what do you talk about, a lot can be transferred through the picture without looking at the video tiitle, just by ussing facial experssions, adding picture/photos or what you go on about, and so much more.

The description also needs to have your social media accounts, so that users can connect with you. You can also add a subscribe link, links to shops, other channels, music that you use for intro/outro, messages/updates to your viewers, and a description of the video, at least for your own referance.

The video has quite a slow pace, which you could quicken by taking more away, doing some editing and cutting a few more of the silent moments. The quality I am obviously not sure how it will compare to the camera, however try to not record in dark environments, the quality of the video will be much higher, which will meant that you have to schedual the videos a bit better, where you taken them, when and so on.

Hope that helps :)
Hi there!

As Valerik also mentioned, I would strongly suggest you to get a fitting channel graphic as soon as possible. Keep in mind that you want to 'draw people into your account' to keep their interest, so it's all about creating as much curiosity for the audience through the few visual tools you have at hand as possible when people first visit your account. Your profile picture in itself is alright, but I still would go for either a high res close up or some kind of profesionally made logo or symbol - if you ever want to go big, you might as well have a recogniseable signature figure from the very beginning!

I hope this helps you!