just got rid of youtube red


I Love YTtalk
Because Youtube has been not supporting small creators I've gotten rid of YouTube red. I feel the less people that support them then perhaps (not likely) Youtube will realize they are losing money and maybe change their ways.
No matter what you do, you can forget to be supported by YouTube as a small content creator. I have to plead and beg every time my content gets that dreaded yellow icon and I will continue to do that due to the nature of my channel and view growth. Small content creators cost YouTube money, they make their money with the big guys. It is what it is. You only start counting when you hit 10K subscribers which allows you to upload and have all monetization issues dealt with behind the scenes. Which is something I desperately want. I hate having to contact them every time so they overturn their misguided automated systems.
perhaps (not likely)
You said it right there dude:):up2: NOT LIKELY
Anyways I think a lot of us feel how you feel but there is not much to do about it IMO. We just got to keep on grinding and hopefully you will reach a point some day when it all get easier:) but it sure is hard work and no wonder it can be hard to find motivation from time to time:)
No matter what you do, you can forget to be supported by YouTube as a small content creator. I have to plead and beg every time my content gets that dreaded yellow icon and I will continue to do that due to the nature of my channel and view growth. Small content creators cost YouTube money, they make their money with the big guys. It is what it is. You only start counting when you hit 10K subscribers which allows you to upload and have all monetization issues dealt with behind the scenes. Which is something I desperately want. I hate having to contact them every time so they overturn their misguided automated systems.

What do you mean? I know plenty of people with tens of thousands or 100k+ that are complaining of yellow icons. Basically every tutorial video I upload gets flagged and I have to submit for review.
Just become a big creator, then you can get supported by YouTube.
It makes sense that they would focus on the ones that are already doing great.
Make a bigger impact and don’t watch anything period I say! We should all do that! Though of course still make videos haha
I got a video that its called Evelmo Hack my livestream, video conssistst of me playing around with my puppet. More PG13 it does not get, but because i added the word
"hack" BOOM yellow icon.
I always felt that YT red was a bit of a fail anyway. I mean the idea was good but they never really seemed to to promote it after its launch.

YouTube seem to be putting all their resources into YouTube TV which earns them $35 / month
What do you mean? I know plenty of people with tens of thousands or 100k+ that are complaining of yellow icons. Basically every tutorial video I upload gets flagged and I have to submit for review.

Once you hit 10K (which you have) you can get it dealt with behind the scenes so every video is monetized from view 1. People below that cut off need 1000 views a week. Ironically, my highest grossing and views (for now) video never made it to 1000 views a week. Close, but no cigar. That video, under the new guidelines, would never be reviewed. All my content grows slowly like my channel. Every time I get flagged I send an email to support. Without me doing that all my content since this stuff started happening would not have been monetized completely. So all those people that complain about the icon that have more than 10K subscribers are complaining about a non issue for them (other than the annoyance that you can't daily vlog if your channel is such without loosing out on revenue).