Just A Quick Heads Up To Anyone Recording HD With Fraps


I've Got It
Don't get me wrong, fraps is a great piece of software but it doesn't compress the files. For the same quality you can record a video of up to 80% percent smaller with bandicam. Bandicam is $39 but I'm sure there are ways of getting it for free (not that I'm condoning it as I always think that you should support the companies that make great software)
i used to use fraps, then i started using bandicam, but recently bandicam has not been saving my recordings correctly and they corrupt. So i have ended up going back to fraps, worth the extra hard drive space to make sure my recordings are safe
Bandicam isn't exceptional at recording game footage. It does windows Aero very nicely though.

You have to be careful, especially when recording HD. Every time you compress the file, you lose quality. Recording uncompressed retains that and in theory is also less of a drain on your computer because it's not compressing while recording.

It does mean you should have a dedicated hard drive, but I swear by FRAPs for most game uses personally.