jetpak MCN

mathew perkins

Active Member
I was wondering if it would be a great strategy to sign up for one of these MCN's more specifiably jetpak made by seananers and syndicate. If it is what can they really do for you in viewers and money inflow wise. In my option I dont think that it could do much for me and depending on how much it would help me i would only sign up for the lower tier. pls help :jimlad2:
I would advise you to not partner with anyone right now, especially JetPak. You basically will be paying them ten dollars for doing nothing while you could just go with adsense and get 100% with no charges.
Initially? No. And I love Syndicate's work. And I love the concept.

The problem is return on investment and services rendered. If you're starting YouTube you basically should run Networkless until you've got a solid subscriber/consistent view base. The basic platform doesn't offer any real advantage to you as youtuber save for the networking forum faq / webinars perk. That's $10.00 a month to join a forum, or a larger cost of $120.00 a year to do so. The ideal range for this to be financially competitive for you would be earning >$110.00 a month on YouTube, that way the share JetPak gets is less than 10% which beats Curse's offering rev share (90/10).

That's how you want to be viewing it. Quite frankly the large package is the most enticing. Getting managed status, a dedicated manager, phone support et al. And this is usually on par with most premium services that networks offer. When you get beyond, say, 100K subs you enter a larger bracket. At that point you want >$3,000 a month to use JetPak Premium as the payment for services will be less than 10% which is better than current competitive rev share rates.
My Strong suggestion not to go any MCN

because now a days each and every network are trying to trap innocent youtubers

