I feel so sad when I see stuff like that. I don't get the feeling he's a bad guy, he's just misguided, he probably truly thinks that he's fighting the good fight and doing the right thing, and it's sad how like... people who don't let their emotions turn into a lived out fantasy can see so clearly that what he's doing isn't what he thinks it is. I'm sure God still uses him, I know he's not a waste, but he is also counter productive to his own cause in making statements like that.
If there's anything I know about God, it's that I will never be able to predict what he's gonna do, and he will always surprise me. When people start thinking they can speak for God or know what he thinks or what he will do, they're on their way to cutting themselves off from his awesomeness. God is with us, for us, but beyond us. He will always surprise us, and a heart that thinks it knows what God knows can't be taught. Sorry to get so philisophical, it's just what came out.