Gaming I've already asked this before....


Loving YTtalk
I've already asked this question here before, and everyone was really against it, but it really is a GOOD way to grow a channel. Would anyone like to post a video on my channel, and I post a video of mine on your channel? Collaborations work well to, but this is a really great way to tell instantly wether or not your audience likes the person that you are uploading, so you know wether it would be a good idea to ever do it again or not. Anyone?
Just so you know, if you ask once and everyone is against it. Asking again will get you the same results ha ha. Most of everyone on here as pretty close to the same opinion and collaborations are good. But what you want sounds just like "sub 4 sub" ha ha.
Just so you know, if you ask once and everyone is against it. Asking again will get you the same results ha ha. Most of everyone on here as pretty close to the same opinion and collaborations are good. But what you want sounds just like "sub 4 sub" ha ha.
Dude it isn't anything like "sub4sub." It is simply me wondering if anyone would like to post a video on my channel, and then have me post a video on their channel.[DOUBLEPOST=1382402558,1382402524][/DOUBLEPOST]You could call it a "post4post," lol.
I honestly don't see why you can't just collaborate it would be a lot easier with the same results. :p
That's basically the same gimik as sub4sub and box4box ha ha. You aren't actually doing anything to interact with the other person or his audience and most of the other persons viewers won't understand what is happening XD. I don't think its actually going to work that way. A collaboration gives you a much better chance of people getting sent over to you, instead of just forcing another persons audience to watch that video (which they probably won't respond well.. ha ha).
That's basically the same gimik as sub4sub and box4box ha ha. You aren't actually doing anything to interact with the other person or his audience and most of the other persons viewers won't understand what is happening XD. I don't think its actually going to work that way. A collaboration gives you a much better chance of people getting sent over to you, instead of just forcing another persons audience to watch that video (which they probably won't respond well.. ha ha).
You may right, I think it is worth a shot though. You never know unless you try.
You'll be hard-pressed to find somebody that would be willing to do that. For me, personally, my channel is like a baby to me :P haha but in all seriousness, I want my channel to reflect who I am, and so I would never want to have a video up of somebody else only. That's why collabs are a thing. I wouldn't want somebody else's fingerprint on my channel unless I'm involved in that as well.