It's weird how...


YTtalk's Anti-Boredom Youtuber
When I was at 0-50 subscribers, people were more sympathetic. :D
As in, they'll subscribe and come to my channel very easily.

But from 51-100, it started becoming more painful and tougher to gain subscribers. :wideyed2:
And now I'm at 115, but I feel that it's a lot tougher gaining good friends/subscribers now.
Does anyone else have this dilemma? :help:
I don't know.. I'd put it down to intimidation. Once you pass the 100 sub mark, a lot of new subscribers feel like any attempts to get closer to you and/or try to become friends will be ignored. I think it's because a lot of people are used to being ignored by their favorite 'tubers.

But with gaining subscribers, I always found that your first 100 subs are the hardest. And from that point all it takes is good content to get the ball rolling.
I don't know.. I'd put it down to intimidation. Once you pass the 100 sub mark, a lot of new subscribers feel like any attempts to get closer to you and/or try to become friends will be ignored. I think it's because a lot of people are used to being ignored by their favorite 'tubers.

But with gaining subscribers, I always found that your first 100 subs are the hardest. And from that point all it takes is good content to get the ball rolling.
This. Yep, not many "new Youtubers" are subscribed to me recently. :arghh2:
But, yes, in the end, you're probably right about the first 100 being the toughest to get. :D
And thanks for always being one of my first and best replyer, @Faptain :laugh2:
That's strange, for me it was kinda the other way around. It took me way more time to reach my first 100 subscribers than the next hundred. :)
That's strange, for me it was kinda the other way around. It took me way more time to reach my first 100 subscribers than the next hundred. :)

Me too and I think that's how it usually is for a channel growing normally.

When I was at 0-50 subscribers, people were more sympathetic. :D

I bolded the word "sympathetic" because that sort of stuck out to me and maybe you are going about things the wrong way.

It's a mindset thing. If you consider subs to be sympathetic, like they are doing you a favour by subbing, then it gives the impression that you aren't confident in your content and potential viewers and subs will pick up on that and start looking for faults in it. You should be thinking the other way around. You provide awesome content that people need and you are the one doing them a favour by providing them with that awesome content.
Me too and I think that's how it usually is for a channel growing normally.

I bolded the word "sympathetic" because that sort of stuck out to me and maybe you are going about things the wrong way.

It's a mindset thing. If you consider subs to be sympathetic, like they are doing you a favour by subbing, then it gives the impression that you aren't confident in your content and potential viewers and subs will pick up on that and start looking for faults in it. You should be thinking the other way around. You provide awesome content that people need and you are the one doing them a favour by providing them with that awesome content.
Haha, yeah. True. I should have worded it differently.