Is this misleading?


I Love YTtalk
There are certain websites that gives you views for money?
pretty weird
first of all its not fairplay but my question is do they do that??
They sell you botted views. It's not legitimate at all, and is completely against YouTube rules.
Basically you pay money for a certain amount of views, nobody watches it they just set it on an almost bot loop and let your view count go up, the views mean nothing and they'll probably get spotted and removed anyway.
There are certain websites that gives you views for money?
pretty weird
first of all its not fairplay but my question is do they do that??

Dont Buy Views M8 .....its against Google's and Yt Terms ...However you can buy blog postings !!! This is allowed and safe ....just be scrupulous in checking your potential advertisers sources etc page rank and whether they play by the rules a good looking site with a pagerank +2 and above is more likely to be playing by the rules ...

Page rank signifies that a sites been around for a while and as such has a trusting with Google and other Search engines........good luck Jemile