Is this allowed?


Loving YTtalk
If I make top 5 videos about YouTubers and show ONLY screenshots of their channel/screenshots of their videos, could I get in trouble? Keep in mind, I'm not reposting/showing any of their videos. Thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1471367974,1471367846][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm an idiot, after posting I realized I probably should've put this into the copyright section. Can somebody please change it for me? Thanks and sorry
The only person who could tell you if it's allowed or not is a judge.

Fair use is an incredibly grey area open to a lot of debate and 'Top 5' lists even more so (with most teetering on the side that they should not be considered fair use).

By using a still and not a snip of their video would likely get you off the hook from being found from Content ID, but it wouldn't stop them from finding and issuing a copyright strike manually. At the end of the day, you'd still be using their work/ image so they would have the right to do so.

You'd be able to contest it if you feel your use would qualify as fair use, but, again, only a judge could make that call if it were to go to court.