Is there anyway i can avoid copyright strike for music?

omar ziad

New Member
Hey, my channel is all about music and these stuffs unfortunately youtube's copyright strike gets stronger, so how can i post copyrighted songs? I'd appreciate your answers.
You can't. That's the whole point of the system, it's to prevent you from making any form of profit from others work.
You can't. The copyright exist for a reason, the moment they made it,it became copyrighted,it is theirs. The ONLY way you can use music is if its been 100 years since the song was made, or if you change its purpose. Meaning,you use the song for a comedic video or a school project . Basically,the focus isn't on the song but whats above the song. If you are just taking music and uploading it to YouTube and not doing anything to it other than uploading it, then you are infringing upon copyright and you might want to consider deleting the videos and trying something else on YouTube.
You can't. The copyright exist for a reason, the moment they made it,it became copyrighted,it is theirs. The ONLY way you can use music is if its been 100 years since the song was made, or if you change its purpose. Meaning,you use the song for a comedic video or a school project . Basically,the focus isn't on the song but whats above the song. If you are just taking music and uploading it to YouTube and not doing anything to it other than uploading it, then you are infringing upon copyright and you might want to consider deleting the videos and trying something else on YouTube.
So what if i put it in a lyrics video? Or what if i put it on an anime video will it work? Or what will happen if i edited it a bit? Thanks
So what if i put it in a lyrics video? Or what if i put it on an anime video will it work? Or what will happen if i edited it a bit? Thanks
is the anime video also yours?

amv people i know don't profit at all, they do just for the fun of it while getting strikes.
Yes i montage and edit it by myself, so it must be considered as mine,doesnt it?

answer: no.
I heard that if you speed up the song just slightly you don´t get a copyright notice, but I´m not 100% sure this works.