Is there any other way to check the creation date of my Youtube channel besides 'about' section?


New Member
Hi everyone. First of all, I am not English native so please understand any errors.

I am trying to get customized url but there are some requirements: channel needs to be 30 days old at least, 100 subscribers, upload icon image and channel art. I need to do this before Nov 13 which is the date for live streaming event for the community that I am managing. It's not necessary but I really want to change this long complicated url so it's easier for people.

I know I still need to make 100 subscribers but before doing it, the problem here is that it seems like the creation date was Oct 16 and then now is Oct 15 (It was changed automatically few minutes ago for some reason, I don't understand). But I am pretty sure that I created my google account and the Youtube channel in June. But I didn't upload any video until Oct 18, which has nothing to do with the creation date.

I badly want to understand if the given date on 'about' page could be wrong and any other way to check when I created my Youtube channel. Thanks.

This is my channel:
Now it's saying that I was joined Oct 16......ahhh please help me...!