Is there a way to force a video to play at 60 fps?

Michael George

New Member
Is it possible to adjust the settings of a video so that it plays at 60 fps no matter what the resolution is (480p, 360p, ...etc)?
I have a video that I would like to play at 60 fps as the game in the video doesn't work on lower frame rates.
Another solution would be to reprocess the video without deleting the same frames. Is it possible?
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I'm no expert but within youtube's app, I think you are stuck with the uploaded framerate of a video. Resolution can be adjusted but changing framerate will change the speed of the action.

If you are okay outside of the youtube app, just download it into a video editor and into a 60 fps timeline. Then render it at 60 fps. Most editors can adjust the video as long as it is an even multiple. So you can change 30 to 60 and visa versa.