Is their a certain amount of views you need to have custom thumbnails?

Normally when you get the three thumbnail options after uploading, partners (and monetized users) should see a third option that allows you to set a custom thumbnail. But i don't know about the banner thing.
Well hopefully someone who knows a bit more than me will post here, there are a lot of people who understand this better than me! :)
Maybe it has to do with how long you monetized it for ? But yeah like LowZ98 said, there's bound to be someone who knows for sure.
theres a difference between being a partner and having the videos monetized. Partners are the ones who get the special benefits whilst regular youtubers have the same basic options as everyone else. Youtube only this year allowed anyone to monetize videos, but its not a legitimate partnership....which sucks :(
Custom thumbnails are being made available to everyone. It's happening randomly, so just check every week or so to see if you suddenly have custom thumbnails.