Is the editing and video quality of this video worth watching?

I need opinions!!

I want to have my own unique style in editing but I don't know if its good or if its too much.
Also can I have opinions on the background?

It is my most recent video: How to be like Durv

Background is good, video quality is good but the royalty free music is just a bit too much even if used sarcastically. Maybe some faster pace and not trying to make a joke after every single point but give some more explanation at first then it'd be pretty watchable. Yeah, the music is just way too much for me, sry :D
Hmm do i want to watch a video of 2 boys bullying another? Nope.

I get the type of video you are tying to make, and some people can do it well whilst making it not seem like bullying.

I feel you should be making straight (and true) points for example not basing it off looks for starters and maybe not laughing at everything about him. just Make the points with a joke every now and then ... that's enough, I felt really awkward watching it to be honest and trust me you don't want that kind of reputation, especially if you do get big..Being known as a Bully for views can be enough too ruin someones youtube career.

Other than that.. Background is okay and editing is okay : )