Is RPM a gaming network?

RPM is no longer called by that name. It is now Maker Studios. Most people entering the network end up in Maker Gen which is full of gamers. As long as you only upload gameplay from developers who actually allow it to be both uploaded to YouTube and monetized, don't include any copyrighted background music and do proper commentary over the gameplay you should be fine.

One warning: Maker has an unknown minimum video views per month requirement. If you don't exceed that minimum number of views, your application to join will be rejected. With only 5 subscribers, and 4 videos, you aren't likely to make it in; your channel was only founded a week ago!
Yes you can upload you gaming content. RPM/Polaris/TheStation/Paramaker now in one base Maker Studios :)

Gamer under Maker Studios
- PewDiePie
- Kwebbelkop
- Markiplier