Is my video withoout my brother any good?

Angie Melon

So I run a channel with my older brother, but ever since he went away to college, it's been pretty hard to meet up and make videos. That's why we decided to try something new and I made a video by myself. I was super nervous about posting it because I've never made a video by myself before. It only has about fifty views. (Most of our videos get around 100 in the first day) and I posted it like three days ago. Is it just a crappy video? What should I do to make my next one better.

Hey Angie! I had to watch a video of you and your brother in it together to see the difference. But first I want to say, I run a channel with my best friend, and It would be hard to make videos just by myself so i get it. And yeah, you and your brother feed off of each other very well to make some great content. But your solo video isn't bad actually, but it's something that isn't you, maybe? If that makes sense. It's like you made a video just to make a video. Plus the get to know me tag has kind of ran it's course which would make more people less likely to click on your video, which would explain the views part.

I would suggest coming up with an idea that's fun for you. I know that's easier said than done, but would you enjoy doing challenges? or talking about certain things? or if you have a hobby you want to film? I would start with that, you would have to experiment with ideas, but make sure you enjoy it :)

I don't know if that was any help, if not, I am sorry! But don't be discouraged to make videos because your brother isn't there. It also might be just your viewers getting used to seeing more of you doing solo videos.
Yes! and to add on the point I would defiantly say just practice being in front of the camera by yourself because the more experience you get with it the more comfortable you are going to get! Your video was pretty well made I thought but it just didn't seem like you were crazy excited about making it! When you figure something out that you want to do and will benefit you while filming by yourself, look up other people who are doing what you are doing and learn from them!:)