Is my content boring? Is my channel interesting?

good day!

I would like some advice on my overall channel. The advice I would love to get: Is my channel art good (avatar, and banner)? If it isn't what should I fix/change. Are the thumbnails good? Is the latest thumbnail the best? And lastly is my latest content boring? With latest i mean the last three videos I made. This would be really helpful to know because I really love doing videos but a audience would be nice and I'm not getting that :( I already got some feedback from relatives and friends but they don't want to hurt my feelings (or thats what i assume) so i dunno how much feedback they actually gave me. They told me mainly not to swear that much and yes i looked back and i really shouldn't. So imma stop doing that but other than that they didn't give me that much advice. I hope I'm not asking to much and a thank you in advance!

My channel link:
Hiya! I don't really watch Vlogging Channels so I'm afraid I don't have loads of helpful advice in that area - your lighting looks good, audio quality is fine. What I wanted to say is that you've been going a month and have 30 subs, that's honestly really good! The first 100 are a real grind but keep at it and you'll get there in no time :)