matt franz
YTtalk Mad
hello I'm franzy and I am trying to make my channel as professional as possible so if you could please check my channel out and please comment on how I can make it better thanks
Thank you so much it helped so much I'm trying to make my video more like able now but I need to look into my banner because I like but u might be right thank you so much and I wish I luck on YouTubeHey franz,
Its kind of a hard question to answer, because to me your thumbnails and logo look professional. Looking at the banner I dont know if it is just me, but to me it kinda makes it less professional i think it is just the background image it seems not very thought out or just what ever was easiest to make.
Now this is just my opinion it could be different for someone else. I am just telling you what I think. Watching some of your videos they are really well put together, intro is perfect, I just think the part before the intro (The hook) is a little too long. Sometimes you get just the perfect 3-5 seconds and makes me want to watch the video. In others its 15-30 seconds and it feels drawn out. I could be wrong on this too maybe I am weird.
The last thing I have to say is the trailer video. I think it is the perfect message, Perfect way to describe your channel. I just dont know about the delivery at some points it seemed like you messed up but kept going.
Anywhoozies the bottom line is yes I think your channel is professional, I may have my opinion on ways I think you can improve it better but its your channel.
At the end of the day you are doing a great job and should keep it up,
Watched a bit, browsed a bit - it looks good enough to make one subscribe, I'd definitely work on the audio quality though.
Hey!hello I'm franzy and I am trying to make my channel as professional as possible so if you could please check my channel out and please comment on how I can make it better thanks
So the intro is just the right length for me, but you should do a vocal intro too, so that the viewer gets to know what's going on!
One thing I think you should change, is that in the first 30 seconds you tell me (the viewer) to subscribe and like, before I haven't even seen what the video and your channel is about...
But maybe it's just me, because I see it this way: if someone likes me video the person will like it and if someone wants to see more of me the person will subscribe. But overall your content is in a good quality both video and audio and you make it fun and entertaining!
Thank you so much I will for sure be starting to do the introHey!
So the intro is just the right length for me, but you should do a vocal intro too, so that the viewer gets to know what's going on!
One thing I think you should change, is that in the first 30 seconds you tell me (the viewer) to subscribe and like, before I haven't even seen what the video and your channel is about...
But maybe it's just me, because I see it this way: if someone likes me video the person will like it and if someone wants to see more of me the person will subscribe. But overall your content is in a good quality both video and audio and you make it fun and entertaining!