is it worth joining a network when your a new channel.

In a nutshell, no. And you'd probably find most networks wouldn't be interested anyway.
The only real benefit of most networks these days in my eyes is their forum of other users you can expose your content to. But with places like yttalk, it's not all that necessary considering the lack of benefits for your channel.
I don't see any need for networks (ever), but I am extra curious on why some people would say to not get one now and instead wait until you're bigger.

A network will not help promote your channel, assist in gaining more subscribers, or get you more views.

Instead, they'll likely have music available to use, a new dashboard for YouTube that shows a bit more information, and possibly be a level of protection to your Adsense account if there are any copyright issues.

If those few things aren't worth 10-30% of your income when you're making pennies, why would they be worth anything when you're making hundreds or thousands?

I would much rather pay a couple cents a month to try something out than to wait and pay tens or hundreds of dollars a month for the same exact experience.

Find a network without a lock-in agreement and test it for yourself...just realize that the experience you have with them would be exactly the same if you're getting 1,000 views a month or a million.

It isn't until a channel earns multiple millions of views a month where they start to assist, try for better ads and so on. Before then, a channel simply doesn't earn enough to be worth the time and effort required.