Is it good to update channel design/banner sometimes?


Watchoo lookin' at trick
Just wondering, once you've established an account and everything, is it better to update the look every now and again? Let's say every year, or is it better to keep a consistent image with very few upgrades? I guess I'm asking this in terms of videos too, and changing your intros often, etc... I see how it might make your subscribers feel isolated for a bit, but I'd imagine you yourself would get bored of your channel's design after a while. :p So do you think it's betters for channels to keep updating, or should they stay the same?
i say changing up things a bit is okay and if you change it to soon and you have a sub base interacting with your channel and you feel like they may get confused after the change i mean you can always make a channel update video:)
I think it's good to update the designs every once and a while, but you shouldn't do it like every week or anything haha. I'm always changing my designs to keep it fresh, but I try to keep the same theme/idea so people still know it's my channel. As for intros, i'm not sure you should change those as much as your banner.
As said before improving, or adapting to new features (like the One channel). Or if you're changing the direction and goals of your channel (different genre etc.), then your channel design should reflect that.
I have recently been changing my design quite a bit and I think it's fine. I still am deciding what kind of videos I want to do. Obviously you don't want to change it too much though:).