Is Broadband TV a good MCN?

Meatloaf Princess

Well-Known Member
i got an email a couple of days ago from a representative of BBTV(Broadband TV). This MCN is interested in my channel, but I'm leaning towards ignoring that email because I only have 37 subscribers right now, which makes me think that this MCN isn't going to care about my small channel. They have no incentive to help me since I'm not making money off my channel at the moment.

Yet, another part of me thinks these days you have to be partnered with a MCN to succeed on YouTube. I'm just torn about this. What are your experiences with this particular MCN? Thank you.
Yet, another part of me thinks these days you have to be partnered with a MCN to succeed on YouTube.
That is honestly not true at all. There is no single network you can partner with that would bring you success they don't even promote you. I've seen so many reviews and talks about so many different networks on this forum and they honestly all seem the same. I'm personally partnered with Maker Gen and i'm only partnered with a network just to be able to receive payments through paypal because i can't do direct deposit. Otherwise i'd just signup for adsense because there are no real benefits partnering with a network its just business, every network will ''sell you a dream'' just so you would partner with them and they could get % off your money. Little perks you would get is like some audio library you can use in your videos but even that you can get on your own without a network.

My personal suggestion to you since you only have 37 subscribers just keep making great videos. You could monetize your videos right now if you want and gain revenue from ads with adsense just know you'll barely get anything but hey if you don't care and just wanna leave it there monetized and collect a few cents in your adsense account you can. But it'd be exact same thing partnering with a network you'll just be collecting a few cents and get like 70% from what you earned + be locked under a contract.
i got an email a couple of days ago from a representative of BBTV(Broadband TV). This MCN is interested in my channel, but I'm leaning towards ignoring that email because I only have 37 subscribers right now, which makes me think that this MCN isn't going to care about my small channel. They have no incentive to help me since I'm not making money off my channel at the moment.

Yet, another part of me thinks these days you have to be partnered with a MCN to succeed on YouTube. I'm just torn about this. What are your experiences with this particular MCN? Thank you.
email from their recruiter :bounce: "he will get benefit from you & network"

99% of MCN's not help you grow. (I'm partnered with Freedom!, RPM/Maker Studio 3, & QuizGroup)

My knowledge
- Their dashboard is cool with Viso Catalyst.
- Starting revenue share 70/30 "You can upgrade revenue share if you have 10k-100k views/day"

- Some BBTV partner said bad CPM
- 2 years contract

I've had quite a lot of "business enquiries" from many MCNs but after being partnered with Freedom! I really don't believe anymore that MCN could help me in any way. The only MCN I would consider joining would be Curse, because they have a nice revenue split and are focused on gaming. But I don't meet their requirements so that's that :D
I've been wondering too since BBTV did approached me too.

They do more than my current network, but that's not hard to do. They are presenting themselves professionally but that doesn't say much. @kankyo11 Could you tell me more about Viso Catalyst? Does it really increase the amount of views or is it just a shiny tool?
... I'm leaning towards ignoring that email because I only have 37 subscribers right now, which makes me think that this MCN isn't going to care about my small channel. They have no incentive to help me since I'm not making money off my channel at the moment.

Yet, another part of me thinks these days you have to be partnered with a MCN to succeed on YouTube.

You are correct. They will not put any effort to personally help your channel.

As for successful channels, there are many successful channels that are not with MCN's.:wavespin:
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@kankyo11 Could you tell me more about Viso Catalyst? Does it really increase the amount of views or is it just a shiny tool?
Viso Catalyst is tool for optimization your video. (IDK more about them cuz they are reject me and now I'm part of Fullscreen & Freedom!)[DOUBLEPOST=1438066824,1438066505][/DOUBLEPOST]
Many successful channels that are not with MCN's.
Yeah, you are right. As I know Famous YouTuber without MCN is nigahiga.