Gaming Is anyone willing to partner? PC gaming


I've Got It
Hey everyone! I am Fro-Ham! If you are reading this then you must be interested in collab'ing with me! I am looking for someone to do a series or just one or two videos with, it doesn't really matter. It's up to you! I want someone who has a good sense of humor and is easygoing! Also! I am looking to stay in touch with this person and become "partners" I guess you could say! Although Me and DoodlesPlays are as close as they get on YouTube! If you are interested just post a reply or email me ( You could also PM me on YouTube! If you are wondering what I am like then you can check one of my vids out on YouTube! Hope to stay in touch with some of you guys! If not, then I will see you around the forums! Hope you enjoyed!

This is Fro-Ham signing off! SEE YA!!
Hey there Fro-Ham. What games would you be doing?. 'cuz I've been wanting to partner with someone for ages and there are some games to me that are just fun with another person y'know?.
Hey fro-ham! I have been talking to doodles a little bit (I made the cartoon of his skin) I would to maybe do a minecraft or left4dead series with you. I would also love to even just play some mini games (hunger games) If you wanna play just hit me up on here or even on Skype. @ezmac23
I would love to join u guys... ive been looking for a group. I mainly play bf4 pc but im willing to play anything u guys do :)
Hey there umm im i might be a little late on this post but if ur still willing to partner up with people im game. I recently started my youtube channel back up and was wondering if u wanted to game?? If you do hit me up. My email is im pretty much up to play whatever as long as i own the game. One of my favorite games is insurgency but im don to play minecraft left 4 dead2 ....etc as long as i own the mame ill play. i only have 5 subscribers atm but i dont care as long as i have fun doin whatever im doin its all good.