I've Got It
Hey everyone! I am Fro-Ham! If you are reading this then you must be interested in collab'ing with me! I am looking for someone to do a series or just one or two videos with, it doesn't really matter. It's up to you! I want someone who has a good sense of humor and is easygoing! Also! I am looking to stay in touch with this person and become "partners" I guess you could say! Although Me and DoodlesPlays are as close as they get on YouTube! If you are interested just post a reply or email me ( You could also PM me on YouTube! If you are wondering what I am like then you can check one of my vids out on YouTube! Hope to stay in touch with some of you guys! If not, then I will see you around the forums! Hope you enjoyed!
This is Fro-Ham signing off! SEE YA!!
This is Fro-Ham signing off! SEE YA!!