Is anyone in polaris?

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Ive wondered the same thing but im pretty sure Polaris is more exclusive and selective, where as a lot of the smaller gamers in Maker Gen are put in another network (whose name I can't remember off the top of my head).
I was in Polaris for 2 years, but then moved to Curse due to a better contract. To get into Polaris you either have to have a lot of views like I did, a lot of subs, or a lot of promise to becoming big. They'll kick you out, aka "move you" once they stop caring about you as much :D
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Polaris is exclusive need million subscribers or they move you to The Station (100k-999k) or RPM :'(
I remember I was invited to polaris and when I fill the contract and all then they moved me to Maker 3 thingy saying I wasn't big enough lol.
I was in Polaris for 2 years, but then moved to Curse due to a better contract. To get into Polaris you either have to have a lot of views like I did, a lot of subs, or a lot of promise to becoming big. They'll kick you out, aka "move you" once they stop caring about you as much :D
What were they able to offer you while you were in the network? Sorry for the thread bump.
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